At BAK Implant Studio, we offer sedation and general anesthesia in case you have anxiety about your procedure. Our goal is to make the procedure as comfortable as possible for you and your family.
Sedation is a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation. Memory recall of the procedure is usually minimal and time passes quickly.
General anesthesia, in simple terms is a state of unconsciousness, where the patient is unaware of the dental surgical procedure that they are undergoing and are not arousable. The unconscious state requires close and continuous monitoring of the patient’s blood pressure, heart electrical activity, breathing, oxygen levels, and temperature. Dentist anesthesiologists are trained to vigilantly monitor these parameters as well as administer medications which keep patients at a safe level of anesthesia.
General anesthesia is tightly controlled by the California Dental Board which only issues permits to those individuals who meet the qualifications set forth by the Board (E.g., completed residencies). Therefore, general anesthesia is safe as long as the individual providing the anesthesia is knowledgeable, the medical health history is accurate, and preoperative instructions are followed exactly as prescribed.
If sedation or general anesthesia is suggested for you, you will be asked to fill out a medical history form and read an informed consent document which details the risks, benefits, as well as alternatives to sedation or general anesthesia. The medical history form will be sent to Dr Bankie who will review the information and determine if you are a candidate for office-based sedation or general anesthesia. Dr. Bankie will call you several days before the appointment and review the history with you and answer any questions that you might have concerning the appointment. In some situations where there is uncertainty on the medical diagnosis, Dr Bankie may request consultation with your primary care physician (or other specialist) before the surgery appointment.
Is Dental Anesthesia Right for Me?
Anesthesia Services in the field of Dentistry have been around for a very long time with an excellent record of safety. These services are quickly becoming increasingly important. If you are one of the many individuals who suffer from a phobia that makes a visit to the dentist impossible, this safe, modern alternative may be the right choice for you. Sedation dentistry is ideal for patients with one or more of the following:
- Dental Anxiety and Fear
- History of Traumatic Dental Experience
- Extensive Dental treatment Plan
- Special Needs
- Needle Phobias
- Strong Gag Reflex
- Difficulty Getting Numb with Local Anesthesia
- Sensitive Teeth
- Limited Time to Complete Treatment
- Failure with oral sedation
Contact us today at (818) 705-3232 to learn more or schedule an appointment.